Footbonaut Hall TSG 1899 Hoffenheim, Zuzenhausen
After Borussia Dortmund, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim is the second football club in Europe that has a Footbonaut Hall. Footbonaut should help players develop the speed of their ball control as players need to respond fast as well as precisely to the ball firing machines.
The 28m x42m hall is 7.60 meters high, offering sufficient space for ball practise. Two storey ancillary buildings accommodate equipment for video analysis. The hall is located at the Dietmar Hopp Sports Park, which is named after the founder of SAP, main sponsor of Hoffenheim. The Park is the training centre for league football club Hoffenheim.
At the moment, the Footbonaut Hall is the most advanced football training installation. The technically advanced equipment fits seamlessly in the Dietmar Hopp Sports Park, which excells in using the latest technologies.
Want to know how it works? See “Eight ball-firing machines, 72 squares” on the TSG 1899 Hoffenheim website, or check out the Borussia Dortmund showcase on Youtube.