Education, rehabilitation and sports in one location

Heliomare (care and education provider for people with special needs) and Heemskerk Council reached an important milestone in the process to a new Child Centre as well as a new sports centre: Pellikaan was chosen for the Design, Construction and Maintenance of the new multipurpose building and will start developing the design immediately.

“The children in the Heliomare school and those using its rehabilitation programmes can finally look forward to a beautiful and high-quality building that brings together education, rehabilitation and sports.” Heliomare is very pleased with the tender results.

The multipurpose sports hall will be used by the people of Heemskerk, sports clubs, and also in part by Heliomare. “The council also believes that this project is an important development in Heemkerk”, says councillor Frowijn, and: “it is also good that it fits in the budget that the council made available”.

Paul Gerrits

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