Sparkhill Pool and Fitness Centre
Design & Build construction of the new Sparkhill Pool and Fitness Centre, which includes a training pool, learner pool, gym, dance and cycle studios. The centre is unique in its design and is sympathetic to the history of the old baths which used to sit on the same site. The site is tightly located in a very vibrant area between a library and a school building.
That meant that it was extra important to get the build programme just right. Each delivery had to be right on time, so the materials could be used in the building right away; and at the same time, all works needed to be on schedule, so the goods that were being delivered did not need to be stored on site waiting to be used. We uses lean planning techniques and extremely short communication lines to ensure the successful delivery of the project.
The project is part of a Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (DBOM) contract awarded to Places for People Leisure by Birmingham City Council.