Built on family values

As a family business, we understand better than anyone that you want to build with familiar faces. We have both feet on the ground. Yet at the same time, we have towering ambition. Feel free to call and plan a visit to one of our construction sites.

Value Engineering

As operator of Club Pellikaan – a Dutch health club chain – we make smart choices. Our decision-making is based on the experience of 1.5 million users per year. That makes us the ideal partner to get the most out of your project.

Wide-ranging and complete

You want to work with a single party that guides the project as efficiently as possible. That is why you can choose any possible combination of services from our specialisms. Whether it’s building only, design & build in a construction team, or a complete DBFMO project with long-term maintenance and operation.

Green built

Making sustainable choices at the start of the construction process can save you operating costs in the future. We strive to leave the world cleaner. Fair to our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Limitless opportunities

Building starts with a dream. By finding the right balance between ambition and reality, we translate ‘a good idea’ into world-class innovation.

Innovation has no fear of heights

A building must be future-proof, able to cater to the end users’ needs for years to come. With decades of international expertise in smart building, Pellikaan’s projects remain relevant for many years.

Gert-Jan Peeters

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