Meet Daniël Scholten

Meet 18-year-old Daniël Scholten, a talented engineering student at TU Eindhoven as well as an active participant in the Dutch Lifesaving Sport Championships. We at Pellikaan are proud to sponsor him!

What exactly is Lifesaving Sport?
“Lifesaving Sport is a versatile sport. In winter, we have competitions in the pool. This includes rescuing a dummy (fake lifeguard) from the bottom. In summer, the competitions also move to the beach and the sea, where we do things like sprinting on the beach, swimming in the sea and boarding in the waves.”

On 22 and 23 June, Daniel competed in the Dutch Championships in Ouddorp. “It went very well. Despite being one of the youngest in the senior group, I came 2nd in the sprint, 2nd in the beachflags section and 3rd with my team in the board rescue.”

Studying architecture
In addition to his sports career, Daniel studies architecture at TU Eindhoven. “I just finished my first year and hope to eventually become an architect.”

“Pellikaan sponsored me, allowing me to buy new competition swimming trunks and go to competitions. That really helped.”

We wish Daniel the best of luck in his next competitions!

Gert-Jan Peeters

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